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Does the Chevy need a heater

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:55 pm
by andy
Does my Chevy need a heater? I don't think so. With the heat from the engine, the cab feel pretty warm (hot). Okay, I guess where I live, I could get away without having one. It felt pretty good to work on my truck again. Thanks Andy

Re: Does the Chevy need a heater

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:22 pm
by Vista52
Hi Andy...where ya been???

I guess you won't need one if you don't drive it in January and February. Heck, I've seen it snow 2 or 3 inches across the Tehachapi Pass!!!! :D

Re: Does the Chevy need a heater

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:51 am
by andy
Hi Vista52, I have been pretty busy, running my tail off. Been rear-ended a couple of time and watched a bonehead on crack drive into my left steer tire, been a very rough few months. Had some set backs with my truck, over heating and fuel pump problem. Who knew that replacing the water pump with the outside temps about 100 was hard :D . Good new is that I got the fuel pump problem taken care of, got really good at rebuilding my fuel pump and carburetor. Also the over-heating taking care off, flushed my radiator and I'm happy to report that I now have brakes. It's good to finally make progress :lol: . Thanks Andy