Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

From VC-1 to WC64-KD.
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Leno »

Hello everyone.

I am Juan Carlos, I am 46 years old and I am from Madrid, Spain.

Notice: I use Google translator, sorry if there is something misspelled, please be patient, thank you. :D

I have always been a fan of ww2 and I started recreating and I saw myself with the possibility of acquiring my Dodge WC51 which, according to what I have been finding out from the numbers that you have here, would be from November 42 approximately, but for that very reason and to improve it further (since the alternator is not the original and the carbulator), I am an elevator mechanic... not a lot of mechanics, but I like it and I would like to be able to at least do the most basic maintenance myself.
I want to know the page and learn more about your experience. I'll try to post some photos, if it works out...
The chassis number is: 81597108 and then it has a number a little ahead of it and below it, which is 3059. The engine number is: 3919. I haven't seen any other numbers.
I would appreciate it if someone could give me an approximate number of the vehicle so that I can order the negative sticker for the hood (USA 22...), and thus paint it. What I doubt (one thing of many in this recent and passionate ww2 world) is because some have the W in front of the number and others do not.
I forgot to say that I already requested my vehicle card where are you all requesting.






Regards!! :wink:
Last edited by Leno on Mon Nov 21, 2022 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Don »

The registration (hood) numbers were not applied on the assembly line, but after the trucks were parked outside the factory. The numbers were usually in a different order than the truck's serial (frame) number.

Here are some frame and hood numbers from surviving WC51 trucks:

Frame# Hood# Build Date
81587907 276191
81589714 294176 10/05/82
81589786 277559
81592703 293??? 11/20/42
81594562 293708
81595991 293???
81597108 <<<<< your truck
81597311 294??? 11/16/42
81598668 287208
81599740 287978
81601621 2112647 12/07/42

The above are from a 2010 database on this web site. If you would like to see the entire list, go to:
Then scroll down to the July 22, 2010 posting.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by juan15 »

Hi Juan Carlos,

My name is Juan and I am from Pamplona. I recommend a page on facebook

Best Regards,

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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by juan15 »

Hola Juan Carlos,

Tu vehículo está muy cerca del 9 de noviembre de 1942.
Your vehicle is very close to November 9, 1942.

Entre el 9 y el 14 de noviembre de 1942.
Between November 9 and 14, 1942.

Con la Ficha de Fabricación, podremos ajustar el Hoodnumber o Matrícula Militar.
With the Build Card, we can adjust the Hoodnumber or Military Registration.

Estará próximo al 285634.
It will be close to 285634.

Best Regards,

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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Leno »

Don wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 7:26 pm The registration (hood) numbers were not applied on the assembly line, but after the trucks were parked outside the factory. The numbers were usually in a different order than the truck's serial (frame) number.

Here are some frame and hood numbers from surviving WC51 trucks:

Frame# Hood# Build Date
81587907 276191
81589714 294176 10/05/82
81589786 277559
81592703 293??? 11/20/42
81594562 293708
81595991 293???
81597108 <<<<< your truck
81597311 294??? 11/16/42
81598668 287208
81599740 287978
81601621 2112647 12/07/42

The above are from a 2010 database on this web site. If you would like to see the entire list, go to:
Then scroll down to the July 22, 2010 posting.

Hope this helps.
Hello again.

Thank you very much for answering.
I'll see what he tells me. Could it then be my truck, its numbers start with 293...? would i have to invent the rest? I have read in some internet forum about it, about numbers that some user gave, let me explain, example: "...your number can be between 223495 and 223873...", they commented on the possibility that in those margins, would find the number used by that vehicle.

I do not know the correctness or not of the matter in question.

Regards :)
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Leno »

juan15 wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:59 pm Hola Juan Carlos,

Tu vehículo está muy cerca del 9 de noviembre de 1942.
Your vehicle is very close to November 9, 1942.

Entre el 9 y el 14 de noviembre de 1942.
Between November 9 and 14, 1942.

Con la Ficha de Fabricación, podremos ajustar el Hoodnumber o Matrícula Militar.
With the Build Card, we can adjust the Hoodnumber or Military Registration.

Estará próximo al 285634.
It will be close to 285634.

Best Regards,

Great thank you very much.
He wrote me recently to tell me that in this last quarter of the year they would send it to me, but to be patient (which is obvious and I respect) that they have limited resources and time to look for all the cards.
As soon as I know more, I'll share it with you so that, in addition to adding it to the general list, you can help me more with the closest number.

Many thanks.
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Leno »

Good evening to all and all, if any.
Today I received the email from Danielle that I was waiting for so much about the Buid Card, so you can tell me the even closer number that would correspond to the hood.
Although after looking at original vintage photographs of vehicles, I have observed that they do not have as much lettering or as much ornament hanging on the sides of the vehicle, I don't know... although later I see the parades that are made and it is nice to see how they are shown, but It's hard to find them like this in vintage photos.
It was a comment out of curiosity.
Thank you all. And I take this opportunity to congratulate the holidays that are approaching, spend it with good company and everything goes well.

Regards Juan Carlos.

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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by juan15 »

Hola Juan Carlos,

Por fin ha llegado la Build Card, enhorabuena.

Ahora sabemos que se entregó el 12 de noviembre de 1942 y según la casilla superior izquierda, Sched.Nº, el número 91102, es el vehículo número 26.101 de este pedido, que cómo he llegado a esta conclusión?.

Pues hay que acudir a la casilla superior central, Spec.O.Nº y ver que pone 41815. Este número corresponde al segundo pedido que el Gobierno, el Ejército, pasó a Dodge, de este modelo WC-51.

El primer pedido lleva el número 41811 y el segundo el 41815. En total pasaron 6 pedidos, de este modelo WC-51, con un total de 123.541 unidades entregadas.

En este segundo pedido, el 374-2741, 11422, se pidieron 30.078 unidades, servidas en 1942, bajo los registros militares W-259135 al W-289212.

En la colección de Build Cards que tenemos, hemos ido viendo, que el Sched.Nº, empieza en el 65001 y llega hasta el 95078, es decir las 30078 unidades solicitadas.

Según esto, tenemos que hacer un cálculo matemático con tu Sched.Nº 91102 y situarlo entre esa banda de números (65001 al 95078) y veremos que es el 26101 fabricado.

De ahí nos vamos a los registros militares y si sumamos 259135 al 26101, nos da 285236.

El Hoodnumber de tu WC-51, es 285236.

Casi con seguridad que con ese número no salió de fábrica, ya que hay desvío real, entre 100 más ó menos, debido a la línea de montaje. No obstante es la única manera de aproximarse al Registro Militar.

Hay una manera de saber el Hoodnumber con total exactitud y es cuando en la Build Card, aparece dicho número, en la casilla Date Shipped, abajo a la izquierda, pero son poquísimos los casos en que esto ocurre y en el tuyo no sucede, ya que en esa casilla no aparece ningún número.

Como tu vehículo es de noviembre, la matrícula militar no tiene la W delante, ya que se eliminó entre junio y julio de ese año 1942.

U.S.A - 285236 - S

Yo te anticipé el número 285634, sin conocer la Build Card, es decir que no estuve muy lejos.

Ya lo tienes. Ahora a disfrutar de este maravilloso vehículo, un magnífico diseño de los ingenieros Dodge. Enhorabuena y que lo disfrutes a tope, el vehículo te lo agradecerá.



Como este Foro es en inglés, paso la traducción y pido disculpas por mi inglés de baja calidad.

Hi Juan Carlos,

The Build Card has finally arrived, congratulations.

Now we know that it was delivered on November 12, 1942 and according to the upper left box, Sched.Nº, number 91102, is vehicle number 26,101 of this order, how did I come to this conclusion?

Well, you have to go to the upper central box, Spec.O.Nº and see that it says 41815. This number corresponds to the second request that the Government, the Army, passed to Dodge, for this WC-51 model.

The first order bears the number 41811 and the second 41815. A total of 6 orders passed for this WC-51 model, with a total of 123,541 units delivered.

In this second order, 374-2741, 11422, 30,078 units were ordered, served in 1942, under military registrations W-259135 to W-289212.

In the collection of Build Cards that we have, we have been seeing that the Sched.No., starts at 65001 and goes up to 95078, that is, the 30078 units requested.

According to this, we have to do a mathematical calculation with your Sched.Nº 91102 and place it between that band of numbers (65001 to 95078) and we will see that it is the 26101 manufactured.

From there we go to the military records and if we add 259135 to 26101, it gives us 285236.

The Hoodnumber of your WC-51 is 285236.

It is almost certain that it did not leave the factory with that number, since there is a real deviation, between 100 or so, due to the assembly line. However, it is the only way to approach the Military Registry.

There is a way to know the Hoodnumber with total accuracy and that is when said number appears on the Build Card, in the Date Shipped box, at the bottom left, but there are very few cases in which this happens and in yours it does not happen, since that no number appears in that box.

Since your vehicle is from November, the military license plate does not have the W in front of it, since it was removed between June and July of that year, 1942.

U.S.A - 285236 - S

I anticipated the number 285634, without knowing the Build Card, that is to say that I was not very far.

You already have it. Now to enjoy this wonderful vehicle, a magnificent design by Dodge engineers. Congratulations and enjoy it to the fullest, the vehicle will thank you.



As this Forum is in English, I pass the translation and I apologize for my low quality English.
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Leno »

Good afternoon everyone.

Thank you Juan15 for such a quick response. :thumbup: :D
The truth is, as we say here "I take my hat off" (expression of admiring a job or work) to get to the knowledge and development of how to get as close as possible to the hood number with a Build Card, it is very interesting to know how it is come to that conclusion.
Be careful, I also admire all the restorers on this page and from outside that I see how they restore these precious machines, taking them rusty and in clinical terms, being in a coma and how they leave them seem like factory greetings. :thumbup: :o :mrgreen:

A question, the "S" at the end of the number USA - 285236 - S, is it depends on the year? or can it or not put? curiosity...

Greetings to all and I will post photos on the forum when I add more things that mine is missing.

Buenas tardes a todos.

Gracias Juan15 por tan rápida respuesta.
La verdad como decimos aquí "me quito el sombrero" ( expresión de admirar un trabajo o labor ) por llegar a los conocimientos y el desarrollo de como aproximarse lo máximo posible al número de capó con una Build Card, es muy interesante el conocer cómo se llega a esa conclusión.
Ojo, también admiro a todos los restauradores de esta página y de fuera que veo como restauran a estas máquinas tan preciosas, cogiendolas oxidadas y en términos clínicos, estar en coma y como los deja parecen saludos de fábrica.
Una duda, la "S"al final del número USA - 285236 - S es depende del año? o se puede o no poner? curiosidad...

Un saludo a todos y ya pondré fotos por el foro cuando le vaya poniendo más cosas que le faltan al mío.
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Don »

The "s" indicates the vehicle is fitted with radio interference suppression equipment.
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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by Leno »

Thank you very much.
I read it somewhere but couldn't remember. Thanks for the clarification. I understand that mine, since he doesn't wear it, shouldn't have the S.

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Re: Build Card Thread ( Sticky )

Post by juan15 »

Hola Silvya,

¿Qué tal estás? y tu familia?.

Me gustaría conocer tu estado de salud..

Desearos una buena y pronta recuperación. ¡Animo!.

Un fuerte abrazo..
