My '44 Flying Control Dodge

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by Kaegi »

I calculate you guys in the UK pay about double what I pay. I thought you paid more. maybe because the dollar is strong against the pound lately
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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

This is one of the reasons I'm driving my Jeeps to shows more than the Dodge. I've done six shows so far this year, and only one in the Dodge. It will be out in a couple of weeks, but for the main, this year looks to be Jeep dominated due to fuel costs, transit times to shows and my daughter's school hours.
Steve Carr

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

I've been to three more events over the last couple of weeks, but still all in the Jeep. The Dodge will however be out this weekend for the Barnard Castle 1940's weekend. Going back two weeks, it was the Northallerton 1940's day - a 90 minute drive each way in the Jeep. The highstreet was closed to normal traffic allowing MV's, stalls and a stage for music to be set up. There were a couple of Dodges there, both command cars.



My Jeep, trailer and airfield signals square.

The high street was packed with public and despite a very misty damp start to the day, the sun broke through the clouds mid morning to give us a very nice day.
Steve Carr

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

The following weekend, June 16/17th was two events in one weekend. Both events were on for both days of the weekend, but I chose to attend one day at each. The first on the 16th was a multi-period living history event called "Frontline Sedgefield". This was the third year for the event. My daughter and I were only going to attend on Saturday, but we did plan to camp over on Friday evening. However a wet forecast for Saturday changed my mind and I decided to just drive for the day and save having to pack away a wet canvas tent. As in past years, there were displays and re-enactors from many centuries.


The North East Land Sea and Air Museum had their Morane Bullet replica on show too. It is now heading towards completion with the tail and one wing now covered in fabric.

The Romans were impressive, but there were also medieval and American Civil War demos amongst others.

Late afternoon was time for the battle, and after some Russian troops went on patrol, the German forces began to marshal their troops. It was also around this time that the light rain started to get heavier. We watched from under umbrellas as the Germans battled the Russians and then the Allies started advancing across the field with the Chaffee tank and Jeeps. It was then that the heavy rain became torrential and my daughter and I ran for cover in the Jeep. The battle continued for a while but the rain was so heavy, and the crowds were all running away from the arena, the pyro guys just blew everything up and called the war won!!

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

The following day was day two of the Tanfield Railway Steam Gala. Tanfield Railway - or waggonway as it was known at the time - was built in 1725. Its massive engineering was unlike anything else in its era. It was a triumph of engineering over nature, a clear signal that a new industrial age was upon the world, and that railways would play a massive part. It was first laid down more than a quarter of a century before the first railway officially sanctioned by government. This was over 75 years before the first steam locomotive and a whole 100 years earlier than the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Tanfield Railway is the world's oldest railway and will be the first railway to celebrate a tricentenary in 2025.

Andrews House station, the central and main station on the line.

As usual, the three Tanfield steam locos were joined by two guest steam engines for the event, all having connections to the local area and the coal industry. "Jessie" was parked up on the hill top, overlooking the Marley hill yard. The other classic cars on show were also parked up on this field at the top of the bank down to the yard, loco and coach sheds. Mine was the only military vehicle.

The locos frequently changed duties across the day. Sometimes they were pulling passenger trains in addition to performing shunting demonstrations in Marley Hill yard. Every so often they stopped at Marley Hill or Andrews House to take on water and coal. The guest locos were No.60 'Austerity" class, a National Coal Board engine from Lambton Railway and No.15, a Central Electricity Generating Board loco from Dunston Power Station.



Many of the tracks in Marley Hill yard are full of rusting old locomotives, coaches and wagons. With time and money, many could be brought back to life, but due to the shear quantity of stock there, it could take many lifetimes!


Around mid day, we took a ride on the train, heading South through Causey Arch to East Tanfield. This was behind 'Austerity" class No.60. At East Tanfield, No.2 and "Sir Cecil. A Cochrane" were hooked up to the back of the train for the up hill journey to Andrews House. While stopped at Andrews House, the engines were swapped for No.3 "Twizell". We stayed on the train while the swapped happened before continuing North to Sunnyside. "Twizell" was run around the passing loop at Sunnyside to pull the train for the return trip back to Sunnyside.

It was an enjoyable day and I'll be back there again in September as they have reinstated their 1940's event after a break of twelve years.
Steve Carr

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

The Dodge came home this morning ready for the Barnard Castle event this weekend.

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

Barnard Castle 1940's Weekend - June 23/24th

 It was a 40 mile drive to Barnard Castle on Friday late afternoon, and one of those rare occasions that it was hot in the cab, rather than the usual flying jacket weather! We passed through the town on the way to our camp site which was about three miles further on. It was a lovely sunny evening and a good sign for the weekend weather.


The daylight woke little legs at 4am and she woke us asking if it was time to get up yet? and again at 4:05am and again at 4:15am!! The birds and daylight stopped me from sleeping properly after that so I then just dozed until a more sensible time. We set off back to town about 9am in order to be set up before the required time of 9:30am.

Last edited by armyairforce on Mon Jun 25, 2018 11:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

It was a nice surprise to see so many Dodges at what is really a small event. In addition to my Flying Control WC51, there was another WC51, a WC52 and a WC7 Command Car.




Steve Carr

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

Most of the vehicles were located at the top of the town, next to the castle, but a couple of vehicles were located on the high street to draw the attention of passing public and make them aware of the castle display.



Around 12:40pm on Saturday, the BBMF Spitfire Mk.Vb made its flypasts directly overhead. We knew it was coming, but didn't know a time, so the first pass escaped me. I didn't take my telephoto lens, so the pictures I caught were just with the 18~55mm lens.


Steve Carr

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

In addition to the dozen or so vehicles on show, there were a number of dioramas and re-enactors, plus regular musical entertainment across the day nearby. There were a lot of people around, both locals and tourists, with many complimenting the interesting displays.


Sunday was even hotter than the day before and being in a well sheltered location, there was no breeze worth mentioning to cool things down. There were a reasonable number of people around at the start of the day, but the numbers dropped off in the afternoon due to some sports thing in Russia.



Barnard Castle.

Here's a short video of our trip from the camp site to the display area next to the castle.

Further event pictures can be found here -

After the show, we went back to the camp site to pack the tent, followed by the 90 minute drive home. The Dodge is to be kept at home for the Bowes/Springwell event next weekend.
Last edited by armyairforce on Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

On Monday 25th, while I was packing away the camping equipment from the Barnard Castle trip, I removed the RAF roundels from the Jeep trailer to see if they fitted the Dodge. I knew the side roundels should be ok, but I wondered if the large one from the back of the trailer would fit on the Dodge's front bumper. Fortunately it did - just! Now all three of my vehicles will be in RAF markings for the Bowes event this weekend.


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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

Bowes Railway & Springwell Village 1940's - June 30th / July 1st

The start of a busy weekend! With my wife at work in one car, and the other left at the shipping container where the Dodge normally lives, I had to take the Jeep the 2.5 mile drive to Bowes Railway this afternoon to start setting up for the weekend show. Since I wanted to display all three vehicles, I thought it wise to reserve a space, and so loaded the Jeep trailer with the signals square and ropes to mark out my plot. I then had to get home to collect my daughter from school at 3:15pm.


Lynne phoned late afternoon to say she was leaving work and that she would meet me at the railway. This allowed me to take the Dodge over and have a lift home again, via the Springwell village pub for a meal and listen to the 1940's entertainment they had on. This now means I only have the two Jeeps to get to the railway in the morning.

Last edited by armyairforce on Mon Jul 02, 2018 11:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

The two Jeeps were ferried over on Saturday morning around 9am and their accessories were set up soon after. The Dodge was then assembled, adding the windsock, aerials and the small internal items such as the M8 pistol, flares, headphones etc.




Steve Carr

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

There were a number of other vehicles turned up on Saturday, mostly Jeeps, but also a Kubelwagon, a GMC CCKW 353 an a civilian car.



There were no locos running around the Bowes goods yard this year. The normal steam loco had its boiler certificate run out the day after last year's event, and as yet, they don't have the funds for a rebuild. They do have diesels, but they just wouldn't have the right character for a 1940's event.

There were several dioramas dotted around the railway museum site, which included German, French, British and Russian re-enactors and equipment. The main areas were along the fence overlooking the goods yard and in the courtyard formed by the engineering shops.


Steve Carr

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Re: My '44 Flying Control Dodge

Post by armyairforce »

There was a battle on both Saturday and Sunday. This took place on a rather sunny "Eastern Front" between the Germans and the Russians. These pictures are from the battle on Saturday where the Germans won the fight. There was a small skirmish on Sunday morning prior to the main battle later on. There were also firing demonstrations of various weapons on both days.


Steve Carr

Dodge WC51 - 'Follow Me' Jeep - '43 Ford GPW
Roset Trailer -- B-17G Fortress BO-1 #42-31035
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