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If I need to apologize I will.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:32 pm
by pfarber
Evidently RANGER has taken things a little to seriously.

I don't mind his use of profanity, nor the attempt to belittle me by calling me names, but he has also taken the time to delete posts.

I though the discussions we had were civil, and the information I posted was backed up with TM cites, pictures, and references. I rarely used belittling terms or names and when, on the rare occasions that I did it was done in good taste and with civilized humor.

To keep the CCKW community alive, I will not post on this forum anymore. I have my own piece of the net to play with and I offer my 'resignation' in hopes that RANGER (or whatever his real name is) will come back to THIS board and keep posting.

If my presence here was disruptive I apologize.

Take care my fellow CCKW mechanics/drivers.

Paul Farber

Re: If I need to apologize I will.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:17 am
by The Dodge Boys
No apologize needed. Stay dont go. I like reading the posts. Stay and have Fun. Bill. :)

Re: If I need to apologize I will.

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:28 am
by Gordon_M
I think we are all old enough to read this stuff without getting too would up, so please dont feel pushed out.

Previous online experience tells me just to watch and wait, maybe delete just the odd message where things get a little heated, but the trucks are the important thing, and anyone with detailed technical knowledge should not be deterred from either helping people out or expressing a contrary opinion.

Meanwhile, back at the trucks ....