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Cheveron tires 10.5X16

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 2:11 pm
by Joseph - PHX
Wallace Wade is taking reservations for cheveron tires similar to the ones used on the WC-55 in 10.5X16. Speciality Tire says they are planning on a production run in the Spring. As of 10 days ago, a specific production date and the price had not been extablished
Wallace Wade's # 1-800-666-8973. They have a note on these tires in their ad in the new Military Vehicles Magazine (#117).

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:10 pm
by Guest
Lets hope he really does it this time. He has been putting that list together since 1991. At least 1991 is the first time I talked to him about it. I have a list of people from this forum and other forums seeking these tires and am still trying to find out the Canadian tire manufacturer who has molds for these tires. Mr. Wade won't tell me who it is because he want the business. I understand but he has had 15 years to put this together and nothing has happened. So if any of you know who this Canadian tire manufacturer is that has the molds let me know and I will put this together sooner than later. Denman in Ohio will not make the tire anymore because they don't want to retest it for DOT. Steve Kagi

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 4:12 pm
by Kaegi
forgot to post my handle; Kaegi

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 4:32 am
by Mark Cook
I suppose I would be interested in a set of these for my WC-55.