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IT LIVES.......!!

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:10 am
by Ken J
Hi All:

Today I got my 1940 VF-402 engine running. I have no idea when it ran last, but it hasn't run since I "rescued" it last February (it looks like it's been many, many years since it last coughed to life). The plug wires were cloth-covered rubber hard as wood, so I put a cheap set of new ones on; I also replaced the cap, rotor, points, condensor, spark plugs, and engine oil (only about 3 quarts of very black, very thick stuff drained out). I used a reconditioned coil, and rigged a temporary ignition switch.

I went thru the carburetor, generator, air cleaner, distributor, and fuel pump. All that, and I still managed to forget the can of ether! I was still able to start and run it, though. I was able to get it into gear, but without the gas pedal working, I couldn't get 'er to move (in idle).

I took a few video clips, and after I get them posted on YouTube, I'll post the links here.

Nice Christmas present Ken

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 1:40 pm
by Gordon_M
It's so much less hassle to work on something that will run.

I have the essential parts of (another) VC3 here that someone completely dismantled, and I mean completely. Two differentials in pieces in a box is not a pretty sight, especially when it was done years ago and everything is now covered in surface rust.

The engine, transmission, and front axle housing are all going on my original VC3, with the displaced parts from there helping with my WD21 panel van.

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 4:02 pm
by Ken J
Ha ha ha ha! You didn't really buy that "truck"/parts kit to put back together, did you?? :wink:

To tell you the truth, I didn't really want this beast, but it was going to the scrap yard crusher, and I figured I could sell it one day if I had to. Yes, it makes a big difference to work on one that's essentially "driveable". My introduction to this hobby was the "WC-1" that I've added the WC-43 bed to; it was a long ways from driveable.

-Ken J

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:50 pm
by Ken J
Here's the video link at YouTube:

Enjoy :roll:

(I didn't think I looked THAT redneck!)