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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 1:11 pm
There are more than a few WWII Jeep owners that take part on the ever popular over diluted Jeep sites.
What happens is after they get their feet wet with a few posts they turn into monstrous Jeep history experts and award themselves a Doctorate in WWII Jeep Proctology.
They will nitpick ad nauseum all the good research by the real experts that have devoted a lifetime to research at the National Archives, Jeep Factory Archives, Ordnance Archives, and to the restoration profession of restoring military equipment for the great museums of the world.
Paint seems to be a tacky topic, no one wants to admit they used the wrong shade, or that their WWII Jeep with many layers of civilian house paint and mods is not authentic.
The outcome is that Blue Drab becomes "Poo Drab" and OD becomes "Oh No Drab" no matter how much hard work is put into making their hobby easy for them.
A good solution is to issue those G503 mini experts OD Whoopie Cushions for their MB/GPWs and have them be seated in unison order to give themselves one humongus "ATTABOY" award. :P

God bless Jim Gilmore, Bob Notman, and the Halifax Group for attempting to put a little sanity to the topic, may those history revisionist dogs never pee on your tires. :wink: