K51 Price

Technician 3rd Grade
Technician 3rd Grade
Posts: 468
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:34 pm
Location: Woodburn Oregon

K51 Price

Post by Wolfen »

I am thinking about purchasing a K51 and was wondering what afair value for one would be. I don't have any Pictures. The guy who is selling it, doesn't do the Internet. Here is what I know. The Bottoms of the Doors have some Rust and would need to be Patched. The Engine and Transmission have been removed, but are included. The Engine, is in unknown condition. I asked the guy, and he said that he doesn't know if the Engine is Stuck. The Seats are missing, but he says that Reproductions are being made. I don't know if that's true. The Truck has not been Modified and is supposed to be very complete except for the Seats. He is asking $3500.00 for the Truck. I realize, that the lack of Pictures makes it difficult, but does $3500.00 sound like a fair Price? I will go see it and take Pictures before any Money changes hands.