1st Sergeant
1st Sergeant
Posts: 6510
Joined: Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:29 pm
Location: Nearest Motor Pool


Post by RANGER »

Pleasant trips to park near the WWII Hanger #1 at DOW FIELD to watch General Aviation Traffic, and the constant activity of Transcient Aircraft coming and going from the Maine ANG Refueling Wing.
It is relaxing to dream back 66+ years ago and visualize the thousands of B-17, B-24 and other WWII aircraft that used Dow as their final USA jumping off point enroute to war. What is also neat is that the SWB CCKW can navigate the Dunkin Donuts Drive Thru on the way to the base. The late summer weather is ideal for Closed Cab CCKW activity.
A lot of good memories are associated with Dow from WWII thru present. I have witnessed WWII Airpower, the Post WWII aircraft stationed there, airshows, and even spent a few hours with General Chuck Yeager in my MB at an airshow not too many years ago.
US ARMY HONOR GRADUATE MECHANIC, Restorer of fine Jeeps, MV's, MVPA 40+yrs, DAV, Army Aircrew member, Donor to Military Museums & CAF, MV Hobby since 1945
Other Hobby- Army Air Force & Busting Big Ass Military Imposters-Good at it