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Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:35 pm
by 12th Air Force
Hi David,

yes, I was also quite astonished to read that. I thought about any certain person or reason that might caused that opinion over the last years.
- But the only person that caused some sort of discussion I can remember was divingrocks (when he had his bad days).
The other point might be the restrictive membership solution with Gordon as our gate-guard, but that is just because of the spamming issue and not out of any arrogance. But it might be, that some folk's don't understand that. :roll:

Anyhow, fb might have his fans, but I don't want to miss the Forum. And it's "privacy" must not be negative. Sometimes (looking at fb) I'm quite glad that not every sort of "information junk" is posted here. *haha*

So everything is fine for me as long as Bert is paying the fee's for our virtual Dodge playground. :mrgreen:

Have a relaxed weekend,


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 11:44 pm
by 12th Air Force
superdave wrote:Great bunch of pictures, Thanks for sharing them. Looks like you have a lot of great turnouts for the events.
Thank's for the flowers! :mrgreen:

I just try to make the very best out of my old days and to spend a minimum of time in the garage and the max. with driving my Dodge and to see some nice places & Events. And if I can take part in some commemorations and do something to keep the heritage of our liberators alive - even better. :thumbup:

It's only a pitty that we - as WW2 MV owners - are such a small group over here. Our Rhine Main are has about 8 m. people - but only less than a dozen WW2 MV that can be seen at local Events. That's a bit sad, but I try to tie them a bit together, as good as I can.

Keep 'em Rolling,


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:55 am
by DM Carpenter

You speak of the lack of vehicles over there. There may be more vehicles here, but it is a rare thing to see them getting together. I can think of about four events annually nearby, and one of them is a Military Through the Ages event that just happens to have a few vehicles. Be glad that you have events in the vicinity.

Looking forward to seeing you again this summer. We have not set dates yet. We are still setting up the kids' summer activities.

Have a good one.


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:01 pm
by 12th Air Force
Hi Dave,

you and your family are welcome at any time. :D

If you start to make up your mind I recommend to check the MV Events list and to give me a ping.
Maybe we can find something on the weekends nerarby.

Have a relaxed hump day,


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:32 pm
by DM Carpenter

Thanks, I will be in contact as we set dates. Event or not, we are ready to be back in Germany. Have a good evening as well.


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:38 pm
by 12th Air Force
Hello Folk's,

got today some goodies back from a friend with a loading press and polishing machine.
So my 50ies deco ammo collection looks now "like new". :thumbup:


The upper row is original WW2 from B-17 crash sites, the stuff below is post war for decoration purposes for my Dodge and my collection.



Keep 'em Rolling,


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:41 pm
by Skyrookie
did michael get you this stuff ? I have been asking him about the loading tool...but he isn't answering any of my whatsapps....

What tips do you use ? wooden ? :-)

Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:24 pm
by Kaegi
12th Air Force wrote:Image

Hello Folk's,

just to mention this: I had to recognize that here at the Forum the activities are going down more and more and had to learn that many Forum members have switched to the bloody NSA sponsored :evil:

So it seems that I have to follow the stupid herd and registred at fb lately as well. Or in other words: I was forced to join the dark side of the Force because of this. Otherwise I'm afraid to end up here as Robinson Crusoe. :thumbdown:

what make and size are the tires on the weapons carrier?

Anyhow: Sometimes even the dark side has some nice surpises at han. So I found a nice batch of photos on my first Dodge (R.I.P. in Russia). Here is the link:

Keep 'em Rolling,


what make and size are the tires on the weapons carrier?

Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 5:58 am
by 12th Air Force
Skyrookie wrote:did michael get you this stuff ? I have been asking him about the loading tool...but he isn't answering any of my whatsapps....

What tips do you use ? wooden ? :-)
Hello King of the Brickstones!

Communication via e-mail etc. is not "his core competence". *haha*
Try to call him or SMS - it's old fashioned but has the best response. :-)

Try to find a press at Ciney. It's a heavy beast. But there is a hand tool for 3 at one time - sometimes at eBay.
That's a good alternative.

See: Image

Keep 'em Rolling,


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:07 am
by 12th Air Force
Kaegi wrote:
12th Air Force wrote:
what make and size are the tires on the weapons carrier?

Hi Kaegi,

the tyre type on Uli's Ambo is original Norwegian Viking with clover leaf pattern. All ex. Norwegian Army Dodge reserve stock MV that have been sold off in the early 1990ies came with them and often have them still. The bad news: they are out of production since that time = all used ones you can get are 20 years old - or even older. :-(

The tyre type on my old WC52 is from Malhotra (India). Good offroad pattern - but those tyres are only made for a speed index up to 30 km/h because they are made for agriculture purposes only... I was driving them at higher speed as well, but only on short distances. No idea what will happen, if you drive them on a motorway for a longer distance??? :-(

Keep 'em Rolling,


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:40 am
by 12th Air Force
Hello Folk's,

outside we have still frostbite in the night and I'm still waiting for temperatures above 12° C - so that I don't freeze to death in my Garage.

In the meanwhile I found a new item for my collection - the "Army of Occupation" Medal from 1945, showing the legendary Remagen bridge on one side and japanese boats and the Fuji on the opposite side.

So here is a photo of the Medal and the original.

Keep 'em Rolling,





Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:19 pm
by 12th Air Force
Hello Folk's,

winter is hopefully coming step by step to an end and it's time for the spring check-up of my Dodge this week.
In addition I ordered some spares as this nice NOS Zenith Carb part:


During the last lousy days I interchanged some parts of my BC-65 and a second one that I bought for spares, so it's now working very accurate and only waiting for some fresh paint:


Last but not least I have upgraded my Dodge homepage from PHP 5.3 to 5.6 - so it's now a bit faster than before. :thumbup:

Keep 'em Rolling,


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 7:35 am
by 12th Air Force
Hello Folk's,

it seem's that wintertime is over now: temperatures have climbed over 15° C and the "OD season" is starting.

So I started with some minor add-on's of my Dodge last weekend and with the annual service - and had to find out that my battery did not survive the winter break. :thumbdown:
Okay, the battery was about 8 years old and I had last year the impression that it had not anymore the full power. So I bought on Monday a new one.
The showstopper was then the fact, that I found radiator coolant in the engine oil... :twisted:
So I started to call up my Dodge brothers nearby, but no one had a cylinder head gasket in stock. Mailorder and shipping would have taken to much time - so in the end I drove yesterday 750 km to Jeepest nearby Verdun (largest Jeep + Dodge spares trader in France), picked up an NOS Cylinder Head + Gasket and some other spares and today the Dodge has to be fixed, because the SILENT CROSSING 2016 Camp starts tomorrow.
So I will have a lot of fun on the final mile today... :roll:

In addition I have been yesterday at the US WW2 cemetary at Ste. Avold and at the WW1 memorial at the Butte de Montsec. Very impressive to see those places. I will post some of my photos later-on.


To be continued...


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:07 pm
by beepbeep
Good luck Joakim, hope you get it fixed in time especially after your marathon drive to Jeepest!


Re: Old WC's never die - they just move on! :-)

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:56 pm
by 12th Air Force
beepbeep wrote:Good luck Joakim, hope you get it fixed in time especially after your marathon drive to Jeepest!

Thank's Cris! Pushing your thumb's helped a lot! :-)
